Monday, June 15, 2009

A thought on Monday

Don't ever said you love a brother or sister when you are not loving them from your bottom heart. Words doesn't mean anything but action YES!!

Don't ever dumb your friend after finish using them.
Treat everyone fairly and equally for them deserve it!!


Enjoy the life!!


Jasmine a.k.a Hui Shin said...

but my dear jane, i really do love u from the bottom of my heart even though many times i don't have the chance to show it with my actions.

.:: JaNe GaN ::. said...

haha!! i know u love me though i dont see it through action... really de!! when u go US?? make sure we have a time out before you go there k!!

Jasmine a.k.a Hui Shin said...

going in Aug...
thought u say bring me to genting geh?