Wednesday, July 22, 2009




Saturday, July 18, 2009

A fresh sat morning

A very long time i didn't updated my blog. Weekday was being busy and tired with my own work whereas weekend was full will all the plans. Wish to update some news and pics and yet i have no time to do so. Furthermore, my house desktop was a bit 'old' and very slow everytime it open web. I am impatient people so sometmes i was very impatient to wait for my desktop to process. Should bu a new one but i dont think it is necessary since nowadays i even have lesser time to stay at home to surf net.

Yesterday nite i went visit my friend in hospitol who are just deliver a baby boy. The baby boy was cute and small. He is very smart!! When I called him 'leng chai!! jie jie is here...' he smile as a reply for me when he heard of it!!! smart & clever lor!!! perhaps this part he looks alike with his mummy... When he grow up in the future, sure he is inteligent boy!!

Then i went to have dinner with my friend at Sunway as we havent get our dinner yet. Checked out the movie ticket as well as she want to watch a movie. After we bought the movie ticket, we have out dinner at Kim Gary. Somehow the environment is quite noisy at it located beside Coco Banana. We were sitted at the restaurant for almost 2 hours as we are waiting for the movie.

First time watching mid night movie with her and the movie ends up by 2.15am. We watched 'Public Enemy' and the movie is okie okie only. Can watch it for entertainment purpose. By the time i reach home edi 2.45am. Take a shower and wait for my hair to dry then only i went for bed.

Well, another full schedule weekend for me. My friend said I am very enjoy with my life and 'yeah!' that's the way to lifve!! As one phrase that i learn from the midnite movie,
"It is not important where you comefrom, it is matter where you headed to!"
Past will doesn't matter for us as the most important is how we are going to live with our future. Is your goal and objectives that can bring you to the higher level in your life but not your past. Erm, quite true!!

Hopefully i get some time to really update my blog by this weeked. ;-)